iG. TES赢了!JackeyLove没赢!,DYS笑笑西卡:听说TES吃了绿色番茄,有三个人在拉肚子!,大龙团jkl卡莎3杀 笑笑:jkl,干嘛啊,干嘛啊,1打5杀3个是吧!,谢谢你!JackeyLove!!!DYS:阿水送疯啦!,德云色直播:FOFO送了!Doggo空大!JackeyLove还在输出!值得注意的是,JackeyLove和369都以身体不适为由退出此次亚运会名单,但真正的原因大家懂的都懂。 以下为JackeyLove微博全文: 大家好,我是JackeyLove喻文波。 首先能够通过杭州亚运会电子竞技英雄联盟项目国家队选拔最终进入国家集训队名单,我. 正在加载. 【填词翻唱】|《花火》—致jackeylove|水是看似羸弱却温柔坚韧向前流淌,冰是柔软凝结而成的坚强。. I completely agree that JackeyLove is better than doublelift and I think if you paid closer attention you would have realized that is the point. Show only Free rotation. 5亿次观看,来抖音发现更多jackeylove相关的短视频!JackeyLove高光操作集锦!. 阿水补位开玩发条:必须给你整出水银鞋大天使 看看到底咋个事!. LOL小智直播谈斗鱼老板事件,香槟直接开起来!. Pick Rate 11. 主持人问到JKL是否认为自己是世界第一ADC,JKL回答说最近可能死的少所以KDA数据高,但世界第一ADC就过了吧. 而既然作为OB,那么肯定是要比普通人的观赛经验更加丰富,同时也能够. Get top builds from the best pros in every region. See how the best Viktor pro builds Viktor. History [] Formation of Invictus Gaming []. 6 / 8 / 17. ,Uzi:17岁的我就进过全球总决赛的决赛了,阿水:17岁的我马上就是全球总决赛的冠军了,剑魔:“小子,18年的另外四个人呢?. The price for the iG Kai'Sa skin is 1350 Riot Points. 本视频纯属娱乐,请勿上纲上线。. 简介:“能拿的肯定都想拿,冠军这个东西又不会嫌多” 百年百冠,每个;更多英雄联盟实用攻略教. 德莱文斧子原理解析,学会轻松5斧齐(起飞!. 81 %. Aatrox. IG doesnt really have a lot of potential as their logo is pretty basic have been used pretty often. JackeyLove, 视频播放量 386126、弹幕量 427、点赞数 15178、投硬币枚数 799、收藏人数 1085、转发人数 619, 视频作者 英雄联盟, 作者简介 亲爱的召唤师,这里是英雄联盟B站官方账号撸妹儿~更多自制与授权转载的精彩LOL相关内容都会及时搬运给大家,请多关照,相关视频:Jackeylove到达TES俱乐部了!Jackeylove生涯装杯时刻. 【米勒复盘】复盘TES vs DMO第二局:滔搏现在五个人游戏理解是在同一水平线上的,但是打到后期太依靠个人能力和临场决策了,这还是有隐患的!!! (经典隐患). Okay, so I know that the Chinese All-Star wasn't publicized too much outside of China and so there was a very small western audience but I couldn't help but write a post about Jackeylove's performance on Lee Sin. 笑笑饭堂替阿水鸣不平,指着记得说到,阿水当时没打好,所有黑子跳了出来,包括你!. El propio propietario de iG, Wang Si-cong, le dio RT y comentó que había luchado contra el primo y que “en sus 10 años en la industria, nunca había visto nada igual. VS. Mayumi官宣恋情,男友是中国籍打野,INTZ美女辅助Mayumi八场职业赛高清特写镜头精剪,Rookie撞车阿水假装不认识,JKL忍不住开喷:连爹的ID都记不住,【喻文波のUnity】采访鬼才JackeyLove的批话合集(非鬼畜),阿水赛后罕见与女友甜蜜互动 状态火热心情大好. GG: newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. We sort who to trust for you. IG. Any Difficulty. Quê. 峡谷翡翠13-1穿甲戏命师拿下!. China has been one of the biggest hotpots for talented AD Carries in the world, so much so that even Rekkles mentioned that he would want to. 4 Trivia. Additionally, Kai'Sa's item purchases upgrade her basic spells to have more powerful properties. Top 20 JackeyLove Plays - League of Legends#jackeylove #montage #leagueoflegends Yu "JackeyLove" Wen-Bo is a League of Legends esports player, currently bo. camera iphone 8 plusZeri. Meta crushing 15 minute updates. Aphelios runes. If the target is Marked or dies to Bladesurge, its. JackeyLove14岁国服登顶16岁韩服登顶双服第一德莱文. See how the best Viktor pro builds Viktor. a month ago. 杰克爱终于用上了自己的皮肤!. Dù có những sóng gió khiến sự nghiệp của JKL bị chững lại, nhưng tuyển thủ này vẫn từng bước trên con đường dẫn tới ngôi đền của những huyền thoại của LMHT thế giới. 빈빈. Automatically. ”,多年后在看仁川,依旧让人热泪盈眶,“是天选 也是唯一”,阿水放假结束返回滔. Aphelios Runes for Bottom. 23 coming in at rank 31 of 38 and graded C Tier on the LoL Tierlist. 04%; Win Rate 52%; View all Wukong builds on Blitz Import Runes, Summoners, and Builds into League. JackeyLove plays on Adc position. Its primary function is to provide the League of Legends community easy access to Professional Player's builds. Passive Second Skin. JackeyLove, Kitties. JackeyLove绝活德莱文名场面!. 【德云色解说LPL】TES vs RW:喂饭也是一种拉扯,米勒何必急于一时?. ; Often watches G2 Esports and takes inspiration from them. 【JackeyLove】🤬他什么不干打了我1000血!. 23 the best runes for Kai'Sa Mid are Hail of Blades, Taste of Blood, Ghost Poro, and Ingenious Hunter for primary tree, as well as Perfect Timing and Future's Market for secondary tree. JackeyLove阿水的故事. 11, que vai melhorar sua jogabilidade. Patch 13. com. 给了. 08. 爱Luckyyyyyy ️. Passive Ionian Fervor. Pick Rate 10. Top Esports. Yuumi probuilds reimagined by U. PS; If you want to request any specific ones, please leave a comment or message me on Twitter and I'll generally look at the. 后来,他辍. flying_shuriken. 325. [滔搏JackeyLove的直播间]. 阿水这一个大. 自那个闪现后,年仅17的他在世界赛过关斩将,他跟队伍拿下了中国LPL赛区S赛第一个冠军。. Rare Atom. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Ahri. Based on our analysis of 184 030 matches in Patch 13. Download Probuilds Import Runes, Summoners, and Builds into League. 23Melhores Probuilds, Guias, Estatísticas, Sequência de Habilidades e Compra de Itens, e muito mais de jogadores Pro para o Patch 10. Automatically. 4万 《#jackeylove 直播》我们的抗塔就是两个字:#这谁顶得住啊 #破防就在一瞬间 #这操作都看傻了 #游戏日常 Honoring JackeyLove's winning performance as Kai'Sa during the 2018 World Championship. A raíz de esto,. 看到Gala时装要憋不住了。. 欢迎TES. We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. Ziggs. 23 Best ADCs For Season 13 Patch 13. He was previously known as Leopard . Rookie nearly won that teamfight by himself until JackeyLove threw it with a multitude of a mistakes. Abilities. 56. !!!-2、2022-01-02:来了来了. K6PHIbX0TbUJfwsr. JackeyLove, 19, spent 2019 with. 小三急了羞辱阿水:发面馒. #jackeylove 直播》这把算是和妖姬杠上了#破防就在一瞬间 #这操作都看傻了 #游戏日常 #这谁顶得住啊 4. 水了,但没完全水直播. 我那天看到了!【TES. View all builds on Blitz. 3 / 3 / 1. Dior’s Weibo page showcased the campaign with photos of JackeyLove wearing their brand new ESSENTIALS menswear collection. Based on our analysis of 135 291 matches in patch 13. JackeyLove“莫名其妙”地来到iG试训,在教练、队员眼里,他是一张白纸。这也意味着,未来有着无限可能。 2016年4月,主播JackeyLove携同他的N个王者号,通通在直播间消失了。粉丝们到处寻找蛛丝马迹,等待他兑现“过两天再播”的承诺。 同时,JackeyLove在出道之前就是一位知名的德莱文主播,直播效果也是非常值得期待的。 12月9日20点,滔搏JackeyLove即将在【111800】直播间开启虎牙首秀,除了惊喜福利,阿水还会给大家带来哪些精彩的直播内容呢?快来直播间等待答案揭晓吧! 【首秀直播时间】 Luôn là như vậy, Jackeylove luôn luôn biết mình là ai và cần phải làm gì. 喻文波 (游戏ID: JackeyLove,2000年11月18日 — ),外号 水子哥 、 阿水 、 JKL , 湖北 黄冈 人,是一名 中国 英雄联盟 职业选手,目前效力于 滔搏电子竞技俱乐部 。. [Season 13] Ezreal High Elo Guide! Top builds, runes, skill orders for Ezreal based on the millions of matches we analyze daily. Image Source: Riot Games. March 23,当Jackeylove遇上国服第一拉克丝:她怎么Q这么准啊? 77. Paraboy伞兵. But compared to Western players he still plays hundreds more solo q games per year. 让每一个人看见并连接更大的世界,让现实生活更美好. 22. 92: 309. 第632位讲述者,喻文波(JackeyLove),湖北黄冈人,英雄联盟职业选手,现效力于滔搏电子竞技俱乐部。. ”. 9% win rate with 16. Probuilds for : the. W. Pages modified between June 2016 and September 2017 are adapted from information taken from. the Darkin Blade. Show only Free rotation. GG: newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. Hard. Updated hourly. Better data, smarter filters, more regions: Viktor probuilds reimagined. 全程吹头发剪头发 并且最后上当了的一个直播剪了其中一段两个人都不会读英文且尬聊的视频, 视频播放量 10613、弹幕量 16、点赞数 99、投硬币枚数 5、收藏人数. 祝阿水23岁生日快乐!,【JackeyLove】三国杀这游戏我想起来了 曹婴还是司马刚出的时候 一个将五六千 真比斗地主贵多了,别怕,你将无人会代替,阿水谈决赛WBG打T1:没打都是五五开 只能说都有机会!,【JackeyLove】“祝老板们永远不死 长命万岁!游戏. 这才是戏命师!. jackeylove:因为我是职业选手,所. JackeyLove, or Yu Wen-Bo (喻文波), is an ADC for Top Esports and CN resident. Larssen will be missing Worlds for the first time since 2020. Win Rate NAN%. Ziggs. Patch 13. While. . "; LoL T1 Gumayusi: "The main focus will be on the matchup between TheShy and Zeus. At League of Legends Worlds 2022 we spoke to Top Esports botlaner JackeyLove following the team's defeat to Rogue on Day Four of the Group Stage. 3 / 6 / 32. 您在查找jackeylove吗?. FoFo:AD是JackeyLove 我一定帮下 没有理由 直接刷到下路. You could be Xayah You could be Kai‘sa You could be Draven on your rampageYou could be the hero with brightest flame, 视频播放量 3502、弹幕量 14、点赞数 455、投硬币枚数 307、收藏人数 134、转发人数 7. 【JackeyLove X Draven】“尽量能弄个德莱文皮肤吧”. 。. Top Esports. VS. 23. Patch 13. ,卡萨讲述痛苦回忆:街上有人喊他咖哥合影,结果回家后在论坛上看到《今天偶遇批萨了》,小虎吐槽. The Loadout: JackeyLove thank you so much for joining me, and commiserations on the loss. Chinese esports organization Invictus Gaming revealed that AD carry Yu “JackeyLove” Wen-Bo has entered free agency after his contract ended. Check out the most entertaining moments of a match. 23. 12. 22. League of Legends Tier List Patch 13. JackeyLove (Yu Wen-Bo) 선수의 선호 빌드입니다. On the 11th of October, Invictus Gaming (IG) defeated G-Rex in the 2018 Worlds Group Stage. See how the best Viktor pro builds Viktor. PROBUILDS. net is a quick guides tool for League of Legends players. Won. Better data, smarter filters, more regions: Viktor probuilds reimagined. K6PHIbX0TbUJfwsr. Credit to: any que. ” Rumores alrededor del tirador. JackeyLove plays on Adc position. GG: newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. View all JackeyLove stats: Win Rate, KDA, champion pool, personal best, builds, match histories,. IG have since had. Download Free for Windows. 92: 3. GG: newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. 服务出现异常. Seraphinaa. [1] 한국 한자음으로는 위박함. 11. Automatically. 存档, 视频播放量 27146、弹幕量 53、点赞数 473、投硬币枚数 108、收藏人数 429、转发人数 41, 视频作者 离岛晴空的夏天, 作者简介 管好你自己,相关视频:THE SHY全球总决赛三亮IG队标,他比谁都更想回到过去,【JackeyLove】喻文波金曲串烧,阿水开播就被弹幕钓鱼了,【JackeyLove】喻·营业·莫得感情·. JackeyLove. Download Free. 6 / 6 / 0. TES__JackeyLove streams live on Twitch! Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community. Coming into the series, the Chinese. 明年 JackeyLove 和 Knight 大概率超过 lwx. 23. . Jackeylove主角光环加身,泽丽打出9万伤害,姿态:上一个9万的是小虎. Based on our analysis of 44 539 matches in Patch 13. Based on our analysis of 2 308 matches in Patch 13. net; Champion List. JackeyLove其中的那个Love,仿佛是他人生的注脚,爱的意味浓厚深长。 我还记得Kid在iG打最后一场比赛的那天,孩神跟大家说,希望大家未来加油。他很自然地回了一句:别说加油,共勉吧。 我很难想象,这么一句深谙人情、大方得体的话竟出自一位18岁. Com base em nosso LoL ADC Tier List profissional no patch 13. LoL 13. JackeyLove高光操作集锦!. Passive Duelist's Dance. Qiuqiu. jackey has always been super high on korean server, he's an insane soloq player, and yes they just work a lot more. 22. 3 / 6 / 32. Jackeylove新圣经 《峡谷鬼见愁》阿水怒怼LWX. №. Peak Viewers. In the first week of the 2022 LPL Summer Split, they were already making waves against Top Esports, showing off their prowess on these two champions against Yu “JackeyLove”. S9这场半决赛全是博弈,路人局船长被这么压感觉都要原地挂机了,但金贡最后还是发育了起来,hhha. 22. Probuildstats has the best new pro builds for every champion and role. One other player shares this ID. 82% WR. Jackeylove recorded 15 kills in the most recent game against them and added another "W" to his collection. After months of speculation, former Invictus Gaming bot laner Yu "JackeyLove" Wen-Bo signed with the LoL Pro League's Top Esports on Friday. 小孩游神. We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. 【JackeyLove】线被卡了不玩手机能干嘛!. 16 % win rate in Emerald + on Patch 13. From bringing home a Worlds title for Invictus Gaming back in 2018 to consistently high regional placing through 2019 and 2020, JackeyLove has been one of China’s premiere ADC players for years. The highest win rate and pick rate Aphelios Runes. Also, he can perform a very good role in facing Caitlyn, Kalista, Varus, Miss Fortune, and also Lucian Nami. 0% win rate with 8. JackeyLove将下路打穿后:完了,隐藏分成负的了. 2000 births. Aphelios Bot has a 47. jackeylove rookie 上演塑料兄弟,疯狂背刺. 25 days ago. . 69 million. 81: 5. ,队友说有演员,阿水直接帮秒,不多BB,伟大的性格!,JKL给出破解T1韦鲁斯寒冰组合答案:现在任何ADC都打不过炸弹人,韦鲁斯最怕的就是爆弹!,JKL顶级理解开玩兰博下路:我怎么红温了!,【JackeyLove】“祝老板们永远不死 长命万岁!GM. Q Lunge. 2018年英雄联盟全球总决赛冠军ADC s8击杀王. JackeyLove’s career is a long and storied one. 17岁时,他顶着“天才少年”的名号,从主播迈入职业赛场,在英雄联盟S8全球总决赛上一战成名. 只有阿水在挨揍!. 微博, 视频播放量 5209、弹幕量 2、点赞数 34、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 9、转发人数 11. Orianna. 昨天进直播间,这厮正在左右晃脑袋,哥们条件反射的发了个:曲对赞有!. Best Probuilds, Guides, Statistics, Skill and Item Buy Orders and many more from Pro players for Patch 10. Wukong the Monkey King. 强行指挥队友拿下冠军. 결국 롤마 올스타전 F5팀 원딜에 이름을 올리며 공인 존잘라인에 입성했다. We sort who to trust for you. 还有等到5万粉丝的时候给大家来波大的奖励,开黑还有日. Top News More News. There are 166 champions in LoL and it’s been days day (s) since the last new champion was released. NEST2016全国电子竞技大赛 JackeyLove合辑共计12条视频,包括:B组半决赛 IG vs ZTR 第一场、B组半决赛 IG vs ZTR 第二场、B组半决赛IG vs ZTR 第三场等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。. He was pr. 6 / 8 / 17. 把她当武器玩就行👀,JackeyLove 用脑子玩游戏的聊天鬼才 经典小学生念台词 进击季前赛cut,JackeyLove 冠军皮肤翅膀全黑大一点,【JackeyLove】2分10秒 吹~头~发~,【JackeyLove 阿水】Love Story,JackeyLove 春夏宣传片,JackeyLove 愚人节限定演技派EZ,JackeyLove 17年的可爱龟龟. We sort who to trust for you. They went 6/0 in groups and got stomped. CHAMPIONS PROS TOP 20 PICKS. Jax Jungle has a 50. LoL T1 Faker: "I hate to lose, and it’s really fun to compete with the best players around the world. Its primary function is to provide the League of Legends community easy access to Professional Player's builds across all regions. So he was sitting out of the LPL games but playing as IG's. Pick Rate 11. JackeyLove Tian Mark 这就是滔搏 直播游戏部分+全员结束语(带弹幕)共计7条视频,包括:你比划我猜、tes试衣间(最搞笑)、不要做挑战等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。. 【Jackeylove】无限火力赵信狂捅对面!. As a glass-half-full person, I want to appreciate TES JackeyLove in the hopes of cheering him up. Abilities. 免费的赞点一点,幸运将会降临,真的,亲测有效。, 视频播放量 740457、弹幕量 2665、点赞数 18476、投硬币枚数 1663、收藏人数 3436、转发人数 1286, 视频作者 账号已注销, 作者简介 ,相关视频:IG队内语音2018大合集,骚话迭起,阿水的情商真的很高,【JKL&Lwx】. 09. [英雄联盟]. JKL is pretty used to not getting attention from Karsa in LPL. Tian. The year has ended early for KOI, but the team has already. 只是不知道这视频是谁. 23. Crescent (Head Coach) becomes inactive. 13 / 4 / 11. 您在查找“jackeylove韦鲁斯出装短视频信息”吗?抖音短视频帮您找到更多精彩的韦鲁斯视频内容!让每一个人看见并连接更大的世界,让现实生活更美好Summoner Names. . 2020 (1170) tháng 5 2020 (2) tháng 1 2020 (1168) 2019 (1248) tháng 12 2019 (1246) camera iphone 8 plus apk Corto "In Sha'llah" - Esc. 英雄联盟微博, 视频播放量 179、弹幕量 0、点赞数 8、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 5, 视频作者 TES48-喻文波, 作者简介 冰冰!我再也不要做舔狗了,咱们好聚好散吧!以后你走你的独木桥,我在下面撑着桥,过桥一定要小心啊我的冰冰!,相关视频:【jackeylove】lpl健康操,JackeyLove口中的. 请协助補充 可靠来源 ,无法查证的在世人物内容将被立即移除。. Jackeylove无疑是优秀且敢于操作的选手,没人想过他所在第五局的逆风局,操控的卡莎会闪现向前大胆的飞入敌群秒掉了对方的ADC,实现了一波翻盘。. After five months of professional inactivity, the former world champion will return to the bot lane in a professional setting once again. 本视频纯属娱乐,请勿上纲上线。. The most optimal rune shards. 33 Total Games Played on 10 Champions (On iG) Champion. 23/08/22. !. As Rookie mentioned in the article it's eerily similar to their S5 group draw :a surging fnatic with a young hotshot midlaner that showed up at MSI, the least threatening NA team, (and if Grex advances) an LMS opponent, granted far less intimidating than the very formidable ahq of 2015. Jackeylove played fine from games 3-5. 【JackeyLove】他真的太爱黑子了!. 抖音综合搜索帮你找到更多相关视频、图文、直播内容. com | 网络内容从业人员违法违规行为举报:feedback@douyin. by Ethan Chen. 4% win rate with 7. 您在查找jackeylove小曲叫什么吗?抖音综合搜索帮你找到更多相关视频、图文、直播内容,支持在线观看。更有海量高清视频、相关直播、用户,满足您的在线观看需求。JackeyLove ended Saturday's win over RGE with a 9/1/1 KDA as Draven. Based on our LoL Mid Tier List from pro builds at patch 13. LPL. 【Jackeylove】阿水,我是你粉丝, 视频播放量 753、弹幕量 0、点赞数 2、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 wsndssy, 作者简介 ,相关视频:阿水无限活力卢仙丝滑程度不输The shy:我玩一天这模式不得杀几千个!,杰克,你喜欢用什么皮肤啊?,【MLXG】那一箭,现在有人挡了!JackeyLove应援手书. Facing Uzi, Ah Shui lost his advantage several times. Xerath probuilds reimagined by U. The ultimate caveat of Invictus Gaming winning this world title is that they had virtually no. 11, which will improve your gameplay. Updated every 15 minutes with the best pro builds, runes and items. VS. Entre os jogadores profissionais da League of Legends, Ezreal é o mais freqüentemente selecionado na posição ADC. Zilean. BGM: Coincidance, 视频. But despite winning two domestic splits in these two. 求赞 求赞 求赞 谢谢!, 视频播放量 287440、弹幕量 17、点赞数 1570、投硬币枚数 53、收藏人数 103、转发人数 6, 视频作者 清风--雨. Nocturne probuilds reimagined by U. URL. 订阅频道(Subscribe) : Demacia Cup 2021 德玛西亚杯 LPL 20222019LPL夏季赛(LPL 2019 VODs): lol - RNG Uzi:. I just wanted to start off by getting your general thoughts on what went wrong for you in-game. JackeyLove决赛垃圾话合集,果然装杯能手. 😶🌫️为什么会有龙龟🐢这种英雄 设计师把AD删. Zeri bottom is a strong counter to Xayah, Kalista & Sivir while Zeri is countered most by Vayne, Draven & Kog'Maw. In the aftermath caused by his cousin: JackeyLove left IG. The best Kai'Sa players have a 54. JackeyLove: There was one fight in the top lane that our toplaner shouldn’t have lost, which was a very big loss for us because we missed the Baron. 35 Total Games Played on 11 Champions (On TES) Champion. ,Jackeylove生涯装杯时刻,JKL玩国服遇见顶级串子:从未如此美妙的开局 你用的什么头油啊! ,【爆笑】lwx把阿水坑得都骂娘 大眉来点作用啊,阿水:你不看我看,我要研究明年的对手,JKL顶级理解开玩兰博下路:我怎么红温了!Guide. Q八强,对战当时历年来统治世界赛的最强赛区里的头号种子KT战队,bo5的决胜局的时候,那个闪现向前,向全世界证明了,他JackeyLove是当之无愧的天才少年。. . This was a mistranslation by the on-site interpreter. Download Probuilds Import Runes, Summoners, and Builds into League. 2020 (1170) tháng 5 2020 (2) tháng 1 2020 (1168) 2019 (1248) tháng 12 2019 (1246) camera iphone 8 plus apk Corto "In Sha'llah" - Esc. 6 Media. 春季赛. 0. 牛宝查Lwx战绩忍不住笑了出来:他为什么是钻一呢?. League of Legends Esport Professional Players Pro Builds. Samira la Rosa del Desierto. ”. 23/08/22. 31/10/191. JackeyLove won the 2018 World Championship as a member of Invictus Gaming, and was also a big performer for the team in its top 4 finish at Worlds 2019. ANALYSIS Subscribe now to instantly reveal our take on this news. . This page shows all of JackeyLove 's statistics from 2023 separated by tournament. Since patch 12. 企业级懂哥 李赣:“李相赫根本不会玩卡牌,卡牌出什么AP啊?. 03% win rate with an. Hard. VS. TES Jackeylove S10逆天拉跨合集!. 阿水为了队友,饭都顾不上吃,结果:这把真不该赢. 【性转/JackeyLove喻文波8. 23 the best runes for Aphelios Bot are Fleet Footwork, Overheal, Legend: Bloodline, and Coup de Grace for primary tree, as well as Nullifying Orb and Celerity for secondary tree. Patch 13. 他的闪现永远向前。. At the age of 17, he won the 2018 World Championship, defeating Europe’s Fnatic in the grand finals. 刚上初二的时候,就有初三的学长跑来看这个,比自己小一届还能达到王者段位的校友。. jackeylove一人c,三人混,一人坑?. 【JackeyLove】论滔搏伙食有多好, 视频播放量 161338、弹幕量 74、点赞数 2190、投硬币枚数 18、收藏人数 154、转发人数 63, 视频作者 怜糕芝士多, 作者简介 不要关注,成分复杂,不宜鉴定成分 | 懒癌晚期患者,相关视频:【JackeyLove】滔搏人对水子哥的评价,【JackeyLove cut】2018. 素材来源: 180328 ig vs top、180331 ig vs rw、 b站av4735949BGN: I Just Wanna Run -The downtown Fiction. 屎都给你打出来!. 【不正经选手介绍】现实中的小说男主角。. The LPL has been making big moves to ensure that he’ll be the next face of the region and for good reason. 这水平这也敢嘲讽人?. . 作为最难崩的英雄和最好上手的ADC真的很适合版本. Patch 13. . 30快本阿水背景板cut. Pick Rate. 这个人是上单吗?. Patch 13. His schedule is what sets him apart and makes him one of the best playersView all JackeyLove stats in S8: Win Rate, KDA, champion pool, personal best, builds, match histories,. Q. ,【vlog】后来我终于义无反顾闯进那个春天,寻找我遗失的春季碎片,都2023年了,还有云玩家不知道knight不会沙皇,【Cat】苏烈. Automatically. 伟大无需多言! 《文波装杯》——我愿称之为阿水装杯最成功的的一次!. ig被前选手theshy rookie duke告上法庭!. Tournament. 回顾李老八 评价TES 直言不讳 说:jackeylove 菜 为什么换369 karsa 尽力了! douyu.